
About | Deleting Active Triggers

To delete active triggers, you must be signed in to your Google Account to access the Google Add-on. 1. Press on the DSA Add-on icon from the right-side menu when you are inside Gmail. 2. Then press on the ABOUT button from the navigation menu. 3. Then press on the DELETE ALL TRIGGERS button.

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About | Activating/Reactivating Triggers

To active or reactive triggers, you must be signed in to your Google Account to access the Google Add-on. 1. Press on the DSA Add-on icon from the right-side menu when you are inside Gmail. 2. Then press on the ABOUT button from the navigation menu. 3. Then press on the ACTIVATE FOLDERS TRIGGER button …

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About | Viewing Add-on Information

To add view general information about the add-on, you must be signed in to your Google Account to access the Google Add-on. 1. Press on the DSA Add-on icon from the right-side menu when you are inside Gmail. 2. Then press on the ABOUT button from the navigation menu. 3. From here, you can view …

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History | Exporting History Data

To the history data, you must be signed in to your Google Account to access the Google Add-on. 1. Press on the DSA Add-on icon from the right-side menu when you are inside Gmail. 2. Then press on the HISTORY button from the navigation menu. 3. Then press on EXPORT TO DRIVE button to export …

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History | Filtering History

To filter the history, you must be signed in to your Google Account to access the Google Add-on. 1. Press on the DSA Add-on icon from the right-side menu when you are inside Gmail. 2. Then press on the HISTORY button from the navigation menu. 3. When you reach the history screen, select a value …

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History | Viewing Email Info

To view email info, you must be signed in to your Google Account to access the Google Add-on. 1. Press on the DSA Add-on icon from the right-side menu when you are inside Gmail. 2. Then press on the HISTORY button from the navigation menu. 3. When you reach the history screen, select an email …

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Rules | Selecting Rules

To select rules, you must be signed in to your Google Account to access the Google Add-on. 1. Press on the DSA Add-on icon from the right-side menu when you are inside Gmail. 2. Then press on the RULES button from the navigation menu. 3. When you reach the rules screen, select a value from …

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Rules | Searching Rules

To search rules, you must be signed in to your Google Account to access the Google Add-on. 1. Press on the DSA Add-on icon from the right-side menu when you are inside Gmail. 2. Then press on the RULES button from the navigation menu. 3. When you reach the rules screen, type in the search …

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Rules | Enabling a Rule

To enable a rule, you must be signed in to your Google Account to access the Google Add-on. 1. Press on the DSA Add-on icon from the right-side menu when you are inside Gmail. 2. Then press on the RULES button from the navigation menu. 3. When you reach the rules screen, select a rule …

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Rules | Deleting a Rule

To delete a rule, you must be signed in to your Google Account to access the Google Add-on. 1. Press on the DSA Add-on icon from the right-side menu when you are inside Gmail. 2. Then press on the RULES button from the navigation menu. 3. When you reach the rules screen, select a rule …

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